Most popular hockey types
When most people think about hockey, they think about the Canadian Hockey League, or they think of the fun North American professional sport. However, there are many other kinds of hockey, including European and Australian varieties. So, what sorts of hockey are you familiar with?
Speaking about hockey, we should mention such types of hockey as field hockey, ice sledge hockey (a type of hockey for physically disabled people), street hockey. This types of hockey are played on different surfaces and with different kind of skates and sticks, but the main goal is the same — to try to maneuver a ball or a puck into the opponent’s goal using a hockey stick. Let’s discuss the following types of hockey:
One of the most well-known types of hockey is ice hockey. It is played with an oval-shaped ice, much like the one at the US Olympic training center in Tampa Bay, Florida. Ice hockey players wear white uniforms. As a result of this, ice hockey is a fast-paced type of game, which means that speed and physicality are required.
Another very popular and entertaining type of hockey is roller hockey. This is played on an ice rink that’s covered with a variety of materials. For instance, wood or dirt is set on top of the ice to act as grip for the skaters. This sort of hockey is quite like hockey played on an outdoor rink, except it is played indoors. There are numerous unique types of equipment that is used for roller hockey, such as roller skates and gloves.
Another popular kind of hockey is played indoors on an indoor ice court. Lots of people assume that this type of hockey is the same as indoor ice hockey, but they are incorrect. Indoor court hockey is a completely different game than regular outdoor hockey, which is the reason why both terms are often used interchangeably. The distinction between the two types of hockey is that players in an indoor court need special equipment not available for regular outdoor hockey, including special elbow-pads, sticks and skates.
Another interesting game is so called ‘air hockey’ which is more likely a table game rather than a court game.
Of course, the indoor game also includes some variations on other types of hockey. The most popular variations include two-game and three-game seasons. Each kind of season has its own unique set of rules and regulations. You will find that there’s generally a different set of equipment used during each of those seasons.
Since there are such a wide variety of different types of hockey, it’s important to know what type of equipment you want to be prepared for any game you could join. This way, you will be one step ahead of the game. You will be ready when you shop and know just where to get the best deals. Then, you can begin practicing on the rink and get ready to face off against some of the best competition in the world.